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Genealogy Search

Genealogy Search at The Italian Cemetery

We are often asked to provide information that may help a family trace its roots. Whenever we are able, we provide whatever information is available. Depending on the year that a death occurred, we may have very little information (name, date of burial and location). In other cases, more information may be available. Because searches can range from the simple to the complex, we ask that those requesting information from our records do so by email so that our staff can research and reply as they are able. Remember, our first priority is to serve families who have recently lost a loved one. Other Services – such as genealogical services – are lower priority.

We provide the first two searches free of charge. Subsequent searches will be provided for a research fee of $25.00 per name.

To request genealogical information, please contact us here and provide us with as much information as you have. We will get back to you as soon as we are able.

Resources for Genealogy Research

The Italian Cemetery has a number of resources available for genealogical research. Of course, as a cemetery, our first obligation is to the families who have recently lost loved ones. As a non-profit organization, we operate with a small staff. Therefore, we are not able to provide the desired level of personal assistance for genealogists.

We have, however partnered with to make available the bulk of our records that are of interest to genealogists. These records may be found at the following location:

You will need to create a username and password, but the service is free and they do not use your information to solicit you for any purpose.

Once you are logged in, you will have access to all records that the Italian Cemetery provided for digitization. You may view, zoom in, save, or even print any page of any document.

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