Mausoleums are a type of structure commonly found in cemeteries, and they serve a variety of purposes. Mausoleums can be used to commemorate the dead, provide space for burial or cremation, and preserve the remains of those who have passed away. Depending on their intended purpose, they may also be elaborate or simple in design. Additionally, mausoleums may feature architectural elements such as archways, columns, or domes that add to their aesthetic appeal.
Mausoleums can vary widely in size and materials, ranging from simple stone crypts to ornately decorated buildings with domes and columns. Overall, mausoleums are an essential part of many cemeteries and play an important role in commemorating and remembering those who have died. The origins of mausoleums date back to ancient times when they were initially reserved for royalty or wealthy individuals. Over time, this tradition spread more broadly across different cultures, as mausoleums became popular burial sites for anyone who could afford them.

A family mausoleum is a type of mausoleum that is designed to preserve the memory of an entire family rather than just an individual. Family mausoleums are usually larger than other types of mausoleums, as they need to accommodate the remains of multiple people. While some families choose to be buried together in a single grave, others opt for a family mausoleum instead. A family mausoleum can be a good option for families who want their loved ones to be close together even after death. Mausoleums can also be a good choice for families who want to ensure that their loved ones are properly cared for and honored, even after they have passed.

Public mausoleums are burial sites that offer a cost-sharing benefit over private or family mausoleums. Also sometimes called “community mausoleums,” these public burial sites typically provide lower prices than other mausoleum options. But unlike private or family mausoleums, which tend to be cost-prohibitive for many families, public mausoleums offer a more affordable option for those looking to preserve their loved one’s remains in a sacred space.
Garden mausoleums are a type of burial structure that is typically located outside, unlike traditional indoor mausoleums. Because they are less expensive to maintain and do not require heating for an indoor space, garden mausoleums are popular for cemeteries in cold climates. Garden mausoleums are above-ground crypts that can be used to store caskets or urns. While garden mausoleums are less expensive than indoor mausoleums, they still provide many of the same benefits. Garden mausoleums offer a dignified and permanent resting place for your loved ones and a beautiful setting for visitation and remembrance. Garden mausoleums also provide protection from the elements for the remains of your loved ones.

Companion crypts are special crypts that are designed to hold multiple caskets in a single mausoleum. These crypts may be designed in various ways, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the people who are buried there. This type of crypt is specifically designed to hold two caskets, usually side-by-side or end-to-end. These crypts are generally used by married couples and can be an attractive choice for those looking for crypts that provide space and convenience. Some popular configurations include rows of individual crypts or large group crypts that can hold several caskets at once.
Columbariums are structures that provide wall spaces for the storage of cremated remains. These niches, or small compartments, are typically arranged in rows and are designed to hold urns containing ashes or other remains. These urns can be placed inside a mausoleum niche, typically marked by a bronze plaque bearing the name of the person whose remains are interred there.

What sets mausoleums apart from other burial sites is that they provide a permanent space for the deceased. Mausoleums can be used to bury multiple people or just a single person. They can be built as standalone structures or added to existing cemeteries. Mausoleums are a great choice for those looking to memorialize their loved ones in a uniquely personalized way. With mausoleums, you can design and build them exactly according to your specifications, making them truly one-of-a-kind. Some of the other key advantages of mausoleums include:
- It provides an increased level of security and protection from theft or vandalism. Because they are typically erected indoors or underground, mausoleums offer superior protection from threats such as theft or damage from the elements.
- A more comfortable environment for those visiting loved ones’ gravesites. Many mausoleums feature climate control systems that keep the temperature inside at a comfortable level year-round, a welcome relief for visitors during extreme weather conditions.
- The option to have your remains placed in the same mausoleum as other family members. For many people, the idea of being buried alongside loved ones is a comforting one. Mausoleums make this possible.
- Increased privacy for mourners. Mausoleums offer a more private setting for grieving and paying respects than traditional above-ground gravesites, which can be particularly helpful for those who prefer not to share their experience with others.
- A lasting tribute to your life and legacy. Mausoleums are built to last, meaning that they can serve as a lasting tribute to your life long after you’re gone.
- An eco-friendly burial option. Mausoleums require less land than traditional burial methods, which can be beneficial for those who want to reduce their impact on the environment. Additionally, many mausoleums are designed and built with sustainability, using recycled materials and other sustainable practices.
- You can have a mausoleum designed and built to your exact specifications. Unlike traditional burial arrangements, where a cemetery’s available space limits you, mausoleums can be designed and built to fit your needs. Whether you want ample space for multiple family members or just a small area to hold one casket, you can customize it to suit your preferences.
- An opportunity to preserve family history and traditions. Many people choose mausoleums to preserve important family history and traditions for future generations. Because they are often built with symbols and other decorative elements that reflect your heritage or culture, mausoleums make it possible to pass down significant pieces of personal identity from one generation to the next.
There are several factors to consider when choosing between traditional earth internment or a mausoleum. Traditional earth internment is the most common form of burial and involves interring the body in a casket or urn in the ground. On the other hand, mausoleums are above-ground structures where bodies are interred. While mausoleums may be more expensive than traditional burial options, they can also offer certain benefits, such as increased security and protection from weather conditions. If you want more information about traditional internment or mausoleums, please contact us (650) 755-1511. We would be happy to help!