What Families Can Put on Headstones at Cemeteries
Shortly after burying a loved one at one of the cemeteries in San Francisco, CA, you will need to try to arrange to put a headstone on top of their burial plot. There will be a wide variety of different types of monuments that you can choose from. You should shop around for the best option of the bunch, and you should also make it a point to spend some time thinking about what you would like to put on your loved one’s headstone. Here are several things that should make an appearance on the headstone.
Your loved one’s name
First and foremost, you’ll obviously want to put your loved one’s name somewhere near the top of their headstone. It’ll help people to identify where your loved one is buried in a San Francisco, CA cemetery. You’ll want to include their full birth name, if possible, with their first, middle, and last names as well as any nickname that they may have used on a regular basis. It’ll be easy for everyone to find your loved one’s burial plot in the future as long as it features their entire name on it.
The dates of your loved one’s birth and death
If your loved one has a very uncommon name, that alone should help others to ID their burial plot in a cemetery. But if they happen to have a name that other people might have, you’ll need to provide people with more than just a name for them to know which burial plot belongs to your loved one. You should also put both the date of their birth and the date of their death on their headstone. It’ll indicate how old they were at the time of their death, and it’ll also show which era they lived in so that your family can learn more about your loved one’s history in the future.
A special quote
If you have enough room to do it on a headstone, you should attempt to include a special quote either for your loved one or from your loved one on it. You can go with something as simple as “Always in Our Hearts” or something as unique as a quote that your loved one said once to help sum up their life. No matter which direction you decide to go in, a quote can make your loved one’s headstone stand out and give it some personality from the start.
A photo of your loved one
Adding a photo of your loved one to their headstone is going to come at an additional expense in most cases. But if you really want to go all out with your loved one’s headstone, you might want to give some thought to sticking a photo of your loved one on it. You’ll be able to pay tribute to your loved one by picking out a fantastic photo of them that shows them at their absolute best. It’ll put their headstone over the top.
Would you like some help deciding what to put on your loved one’s headstone? Our San Francisco, CA memorial park cemetery would be happy to lend a hand to you while you’re creating it. Call us now for all your cemetery-related needs.